Thursday, June 12, 2014

Lucky Me! Pancit Canton Sweet and Spicy

Wasn't able to edit this well because I was informed late. Enjoy the video! Please subscribe to my youtube channel. :)

Sunday, October 20, 2013



1. Create a Business
            Ice Cream Parlor.

            The business we chose is an ice cream parlor. As we all know, our country has a tropical climate and people loves to eat ice cream especially during summer. It is enjoyed especially by children. So we made them our target market. Because students/children is our target market, we decided to place it in school. They may vary from their gender, age, preference and taste so in order for them to decide what flavor they should get; our ice cream parlor has variety of unique and delightful flavors to choose from there’s popsicle sticks ice cream or ice cream sandwiches. You will be the one to choose on how you’ll eat it, in a cup or cone whatever or wherever you feel more enjoyable. They can also choose from our various toppings like nuts, whipped cream, fruits, chocolates, syrups, waffles, gummy bears and colorful candies. And we’re sure that our market will surely enjoy, it’s really Ice droppin’.

2. Decide where will you put up your business.
            Our target market would be students and kids therefore our location would be in front of St. Scholastica’s College because there are a lot of grade school as well as high school students that would surely patronize our ice cream stall. We have a tropical climate so we want to eat something cold to ease the heat. So ice cream is the perfect one to buy because it's delicious not too sour and not too sweet also it makes hot days fun by eating ice cream. Moreover it’s not too hard, too eat and not too soft, it’s just right. In short, YUM-A-LICIOUS!! We believe that it is because of the sweetness and yumminess and the easy way to eat it.
3. Decide what products you want to sell.
            Ice cream

            Precisely, we are focusing on the ice cream itself having different flavors to match the potential customer’s preferences. We are longing for their satisfaction and strive for a repeat business system. We would like to provide an extraordinary ice cream to those people who have sweet tooth plus the fact that ice cream is considered as one of the comfort foods in our country.

4. Identify your market.
            Since we decided to place it in school, our target market would be the students. They may vary from their gender, age, preference and taste; so in order for them to decide what flavor they should get; our ice cream parlor has variety of flavors to choose from. Plus, it is not hard to eat. You can eat it on a cone or a cup and what makes it more enjoyable, they can choose to add toppings, waffles, nuts, whipped cream or fruits that go with their ice cream.

5. How much will it cost?
            Average price. Starting price: PHP25.00

            Our price starts from Php25.00 because it is very reasonable and affordable for our customer. It is just fit for the potential markets’ budget.

6.How many people do you need?
            Three (3) people needed

            A business really need people to work or to run it without them, the business will no longer achieve its organizational goals and it will not be successful instead it will lead to a failure. We only need 3 people in our booth to manage the booth alone. Those three people can do multi tasking such as advertising, selling and marketing. One staff can handle 2 to 3 customers at a time as well as the other staffs. These people are really well trained in order to manage the business in a well manner. Let me give you a scenario, if 3 customers arrived at the same time, of course staff A will get the order then staff B will do what has been ordered, so staff B will make the ice cream parlor then after finishing the order of the customer, staff C will be the one to release it and give it to the customer. I said this because a business is a place where we plan, lead, organize and control things in order to be successful and achieve our goals.

7. What facilities do you need?

Teaching with a Heart: A Career Option

On the 6th day of March, 1:00-2:30 pm, I, together with my classmates went to attend the seminar entitled, “Teaching with a Heart: A Career Option”.  This is a program  by the Teach for the Philippines which was held in the Auditorium, Main building, Taft campus.
I got amazed with the people behind this organization for their dedication in teaching the children without anything in return, or a little salary in return. The speakers are volunteers from different schools, which offer high quality education like Ateneo De Manila University, De La Salle University, University of the Philippines and others. They are recruiting for graduating students who would like to commit themselves in servicing and teaching the less fortunate children for them to acquire a better future. Their stories touched our hearts knowing that they sacrificed their jobs for the sake of the children. They rejected some opportunities just to serve the children. They enumerate the numerous points of being a member of their organization like teaching will help a person gain confidence and increase his/her interaction skills; enhance and develop one’s involvement and communication skills. We’ve learned that this profession requires a high level of patience and perseverance. And one should have the motivation to provide morals to the learners. Another thing about teaching is the eagerness to keep learning. This profession demands sincerity and dignity. You have to be a responsible adult as you are accountable for your student’s academic future. And another thing that they emphasize is the fulfillment a member would attain; the happiness and contentment after seeing that their students are learning and acquiring dreams and goals in life. This is where they get their inspirations and the reason, which made them devoted to their job, striving harder for the betterment of the people.

After attending that seminar, I gained sympathy to the poor people and realize that they still have the hope and chance; that poverty is not a hindrance to success; that in my young age, I could be an asset and a great assistance for the people who need help. It also made me appreciate the fine art of shaping young minds and honing their skills.

Sense and Sensuality in the Workplace

With the company of my friends, we went to Augusto Rosario Theater in Main building to witness the seminar regarding sense and sensuality in the workplace, which was facilitated by Miss Jasmine. This occurred last March 04, 1:00-2:30 pm.

The facilitator discussed some topics about sexual harassments in a workplace. This matter is defined as an unwelcome sexual advance or conduct on the job that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. It makes an employee uncomfortable and feel disrespected. She explained and made us aware that the most typical type of sexual harassments is male-on-female yet the incidence of female-on-male and same-sex harassment is rising. We made our minds clear through the speaker’s words of being brave enough to inform this matter to the immediate supervisor or to the Human Resource Department and not taking the risk ignoring such situations. In order to prevent and stop sexual harassments, the speaker had given us some tips on what to do in some specific scenarios. In case it happened to us, we should tell directly to the harasser that his/her behaviors offend us. We should decisively refuse all invitations. And if it doesn’t end, another way to avoid it is through writing a letter to make it more official asking the harasser to stop and make sure to keep a copy of it.  She explained further the rules and regulations regarding the sexual harassment.

With the growing number of sexual harassment in a workplace, it’s a must to take an action and be responsible and courageous enough to stop it. After hearing her words of wisdom, we now have the idea on how to deal with it and face our fears in case this plight occurs, which shows its relevance. We must learn how to fight for the sake of ourselves and understand the word justice. That this will not only help us but also the next generation.

Online Personality Test

On the 16th day of January, I took the Online Personality Test at home. It’s also called Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test, which is formulated by Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Myer. This is for us to discover the careers and occupations that is the most suitable for our personality type.
After having the online personality test, I’ve learned to accept my insecurities and unwanted traits. However, I am still trying to overcome my undesirable attitudes by dealing with the people around me in a very appropriate way. I got a result of ESFJ, which stands for Extravert with 22%, Sensing 25%, Feeling 12% and Judging with the biggest percentage 56%. The score appeared was right. I would judge something in a certain situation without minding the story behind it yet I am trying to change this kind of manner. In connection with the online personality result, I found myself having a blend of a Melancholic and Choleric type. I’m typically a self-centered person yet I don’t consider myself as shy because most of the time, I would give out everyone I’d pass by, the sweetest smile I have. Furthermore, I’d normally crack a joke just to make the vicinity a lively one. Though it always depend upon my mood. In terms of arts and talents, it is right that I can be highly creative in different activities such as poetry and arts. I usually aim for perfection that’s why I am very cautious in such plights and instructions. I would always want a matter to be accurate and unquestionable one. I have this passion for attainment and I’m very much competitive in several aspects of my life. I’m determined to accomplish what I’ve started even if it comes to worst.

I’ve learned how to be more considerate in how people react in various situations. Whatever it takes, I’ll do the best that I can to improve my personality and attitude because I believe that this will help me in my upcoming career. Knowing my strengths and weaknesses made me value the people that surround me. And realize that this will help me communicate properly with my colleagues in the future.

The Last Time I Saw Paris

From the very beginning, I always dreamed of going to the city of lights, Paris. It’s the world’s most popular city destination and no doubt that it offers numerous must-see places.


I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to visit the place for more than a week. This is part of our subject, World Tourism having a course of Hotel, Restaurant and Institution Management with specialization in Travel and Tourism Management in De La Salle - College of Saint Benilde.

It took me three days to have my luggage ready for Paris. We were given information and tips on how to act appropriately and how to deal with the people while having our tour in Paris.

            On the day of our departure, I dressed myself accordingly and had my documents organized properly.

           We got the chance to fly to Paris from Dubai via Emirates A380, the largest and most advanced passenger aircraft in the world. I was so amazed knowing that it’s my first time to fly through this plane.

We're all ready to see Paris! This was taken in Dubai waiting to be transferred to the aircraft going to Paris. 

            When we landed in Charles De Gaulle Airport, I already felt the wonderful ambiance of the country.  We went directly to a 2-star property named Hotel Voltaire Republique in where we spent the nights in Paris. It might not be that nice but it’s very well located.

            On our day zero, we were given spare time to explore the city and I, together with my friends, walked around the vicinity. I was like star struck; so amazed with the place as I imagined myself just like in the movies. We wandered around and found ourselves inside McDonald’s since we were undecided to where we will have our dinner.

First on our list to visit was the Louvre Museum. Through small groups, we explored Louvre Museum, also known as Musee du Louvre was once a fortress and now one of the world's largest and most visited museums. It is home to thousands of famous international works of art such as the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo. We never stopped looking for the famous artworks in the massive area of the museum. And all I could say is it is well worth it!

Exploring the Louvre Museum with my roommie, Bey
With my tour buddies at Louvre Museum (From L-R: Miguel, Me, Bey, Ellaine, Kim)

The rest of our group smiling for this wonderful Museum.


Like many others, I have a desire to live in the most beautiful city on Earth. I think there’s no word strong enough to express how much I adore this place. I, together with the rest of the group visited the Notre Dame de Paris, which is more known for the hunchback, Quasimodo who has served the cathedral's popularity. We went inside and attended the mass even if we don’t understand it at all.

            Our tour in Paris wouldn’t be completed without visiting the most visited paid monument in the world, the Eiffel Tower. It was actually built to mark the centennial celebration of the French Revolution. Wow! The structure is undeniably marvelous. We had our Seine River cruise to roam and discover more about Paris in the most convenient way. This is another way to enjoy Paris at its best. By the sun went down, we started watching the Eiffel Tower as it lights at dusk.

            On the following days, we experienced the so-called, Death March or some says it’s pleasure walk. We were able to visit the Louvre Museum, Arc de Triumphe, La Defense.

            Through small groups, we explored Louvre Museum, also known as Musee du Louvre was once a fortress and now one of the world's largest and most visited museums. It is home to thousands of famous international works of art such as the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo. We never stopped looking for the famous artworks in the massive area of the museum. And all I could say is it is well worth it!
            Of course what would a trip to Paris be without visiting Les Champs Elysees? The busiest street in Paris. With it's many boutiques, and restaurants Champs Elysées certainly attracts thousands of tourists every day. Many of the top designer boutiques such as Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Benetton and many others are located right here. I’ve bought some perfumes from this place.  

            We also visited the Philippine Embassy and we learned numerous things about Paris and the Filipino people in France. We tasted some French delicacies from the Institut Vatel. The food may not be that pleasant to our tongues yet what make our visit there special is the very welcoming students who served us with their big smiles.
            We’ll never leave Paris without going shopping. I, together with my roommates, Bey and Kim, went to Galleries de Lafayette and had our money vanished in just a snap of a finger. We bought designers’ items like bags and perfumes and some souvenirs for my friends and relatives.

            Another unforgettable moment we had in Paris was seeing the Chateau de Versailles or simply Versailles, is a royal chateau in Versailles in, it’s super interesting that I was encouraged to watch the movie, Marie Antoinette.

            We’ve seen numerous attractions and destinations, which truly amazed us as tourists in Paris, France. And there, I could feel that days go by too quickly. We’ve just proven that no doubt that Paris is the world’s most visited destination.

            In my personal experience, I could say the things I adore about the place. What I love most about Paris is the ambiance. Being able to walk from historic to modern in a matter of minutes. And the architecture? Very impressive! Plus the different dishes it offers. Like pain au chocolat, no where else compares!                   

            Having these enumerated, I’m loving the general beauty of all the parts of town, the narrow streets, the stones, the alleys, the doorways that lead to mysterious courtyards, the bridges. They are gorgeous. For that I could say that people love France because of its outstanding magnificence. The beauty in everything from different shops on most corners to pretty cakes in windows. It seems in France specifically in Paris, every little thing deserves to be beautified. In short, France for me, got everything which interests the people of all ages. From the environment, to its culture, to leisure, to infrastructure and even the climate.  Paris, France is simply great. So Thank God for bringing me to this wonderful place.
            Moreover, I’m very much amazed with the ease of getting around. Accessible, affordable and efficient public transit. You don’t need a car to experience the bests in Paris. We’ve explored Paris through the very proficient metro and just the pair of our feet.        
Beside Paris, we were given the opportunity to visit Belgium as our side trip. 
One of the cutest photos I had in Belgium; requested our tour guide to have this wacky shot

With my friends (From L-R: Myka, Me, Luan and Lyka)
Posing for Belgium
            I could conclude that Philippines should also preserve its cultures and traditions just like France preserves its nations. Our country should appreciate the beauty of the different destinations and attractions we own. We need to focus on the natural resources and treasure its gem.